
Specialists in assisting the Aged with Hoarder and Squalor Cleaning


Hoarder Cleaning

Hoarding and clutter can be a challenge for some elderly people. This is where an excessive collection of items has accumulated to the point the home has become very difficult to move around in and for the occupant to function easily within their home. This can create safety issues for the client and visitors to the home, as well as being overwhelming to the occupant.

Rosemary’s Home Care Service can provide compassionate and active support for such clients, assisting them to sort through their possessions and declutter their home. The client is in control of the clean, items are discarded only if the client agrees it is necessary. A thorough clean can be performed after decluttering has been achieved. Rosemary’s Home Care Service’s staff will be guided by the wishes of the client.


Decluttering of household items, removal of rubbish, organising/rearranging cupboard and drawers, arranging old items to be picked up or taken to a charity store, creating space and flow in the home.




Squalor Cleaning

For a number of varied reasons, including mental health challenges, an elderly person can often find their home has become severely cluttered and in an unhygienic condition. This can mean there is a large accumulation of items such as rubbish, general possessions, old food scraps and even excrement. Living in such an environment can put the health and wellbeing of the home occupant at risk.

Rosemary’s Home Care Service provide cleaning and decluttering services that can see the home being restored to a place in which the elderly person is not longer at risk from their own personal environment in which they live. A skip bin can be hired to assist with large amounts of rubbish removal. A thorough clean is done to create a hygienic, comfortable home.


Getting rid of rubbish, cleaning out areas where dirt, grime and mould have built up, decluttering of possessions, creating a safe, healthy environment in the home.

“At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don’t care what they think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven’t been thinking of us at all.”

Ann Landers (1918-2002)